' When opera is good it is one of the most beautiful things on earth.'
KLAGENDE MAEGHTEN (Mourning Maidens)up
Klagende Maegden
With Marian Berk
A production created to commemorate Jacob Cats, one of the most widely read Dutch authors of 17th century, and a music composer. With the well-known Dutch writer Marjan Berk who narrates parts of her book, on the life and times of Cats.

A CD by the Dutch master was produced together with this play on the Globe label GLO 6063.
Music Camerata Trajectina
Stage director Marc Krone
Technique Etienne Loerakker
Choreography André de Jong
With Louis Paul Grijp, Erik Beyer, Saskia Coolen, Marjan Berk , Hieke Meppelink, Sytse Buwalda, Nico van der Meel, Marcel Moester, Elsbeth Gerritsen, Marielle Kaasschieter, Suzan Jonkers.
Dancers Juul Hagemeijer, Ymke Fros, Veronique van Iersel, Margriet Nguyen, Suzanne Zeegers.

February 2009 Amsterdam