' You want to be young again? Don’t buy beauty-products: go to the theatre!'
After the great successes of their Mozart Operas, the NBE (Dutch Wind Ensemble) has taken on Die Fledermaus.
In this operetta, Johann Strauss jr. commented on the pretentious bourgeoisie of his time. The NBE is taking this a step further: the story is set in 2015, with white-collar crime, Hells Angels, high class brothels and Russian oligarchs.
With a libretto by Flip Broekman and the daring new instrumentation by Vincent van Warmerdam Strauss' most played-operetta becomes more relevant than ever. A small cast, consisting of soprano Johan Zomer, baritone Frans Fiselier and tenor Bernard Loonen, performs all the roles.
Disguise, chaos and confusion, in a nutshell: operetta!


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  Dutch Wind Ensemble
Musical Direction Bart Schneeman
Stage Direction Marc Krone
Costumes Marrit van der Burgt
Script adaptation Flip Broekman
Music adaptation Vincent van Warmerdam
With Johanette Zomer
  Frans Fisselier
  Bernard Loonen
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2015 The Netherlands