'When opera is good it is the most beautiful thing on earth.'
Brabants Dagblad****
Mieske van Eck.

Nowadays a crusade won't get hearts racing’, which is why Marc Krone brought the story forward into the present day, as an indictment of war and violence instead of a polished costume drama.
Furthermore Marc Krone eliminated what was unnecessary in order to further improve the story’s intelligibility.
Yet the most salient point of this Jerusalem is its powerful, magnificent choruses.
An additional benefit is that director Marc Krone truly makes the choristers part of the story: we see them parade in festive costume as they sing a cheerful song, or as they sing chant despairingly behind the war zone barricades.
Most impressive: how the choir ends this remodeled Verdi opera, and victims from both war-torn camps lament their dead children's fate.
A poignant, persuasive climax.
Musical director Hans Lamers
Stage director Marc Krone
Hélène Wilma Bierens
Gaston Harald Quaaden
Rogér Fernand Bernadi
Le Comte Marcel van Dieren
Le Légat Hein Remmers
Emir Pieter van Aarle
Raymon en adjudant Joost van Velzen
June 2008 Tilburg